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27 May 2008 by Time
Server rename
hohum has decided to rename irc.corbe.net to irc.jemhadar.org, no change in anything else. I prefer the new name, as should most Star Trek fans..
12 Apr 2008 by Time
New webchat link for IRCsource
Thanks to ArcAngel and ufear, we now have a webchat portal for the network. Simple, easy-to-use and for those times when you're not near your own PC; or just when you can't SSH anywhere: http://webchat.ircsource.nl - and I'll add the link permanently to the top of our pages.
26 Mar 2008 by Time
IRCsource round-robins
Just to announce that we have four useable round-robins:<br /><br />irc.ircsource.eu contains all European servers,<br />irc.ircsource.net to reach any open server on the network,<br />irc.ircsource.org does the same and..<br />ipv6.ircsource.org is our IPv6 round-robin.<br /><br />If you ever have a problem with any of them don't hesitate to contact us either via email or on IRC itself via query.
22 Mar 2008 by Time
irc.antinerd.org links to IRCsource
irc.antinerd.org, located in Detroit, has just joined the IRCsource network. The administrator of the server is Silence and it is open to all.
16 Jan 2008 by suom1
Two more servers joins and one leaves.
We're happy to announce two new servers, one from Stockholm in Sweden and one from Rotterdam in Holland. The new Swedish (irc.glck.net) admin is hapan and from Holland (irc.ircsource.nl) we got ufear. And now we announce that one server delinks from IRCsource, its irc.ircwelt.de that have leaved us during long downtimes.
13 Jan 2008 by Time
irc.win-vista.net rename
irc.win-vista.net has been renamed to irc.userdel.com, this is due to McDuck becoming inactive and the A record no longer resolving. Time is now the admin of this server as well.
17 Dec 2007 by suom1
irc.biteme.no links to ircsource
We're happy to welcome another norwegian server, this time located in Oslo. Admin for this server is moore and perri. <br /><br />Link date: 05/12/2007
22 Nov 2007 by Time
ircsource.irc6.net links to ircsource
ircsource.irc6.net, located in Tallinn in Estonia, has just joined the IRCsource network. The administrator of the server is Silence and it is open to all.
01 Nov 2007 by Time
ircsource.atheme.org delinks from ircsource
nenolod has decided to delink ircsource.atheme.org because the hardware it was hosted on has been decommissioned and he feels that he doesn't have enough to dedicate to the server/network as an admin.
28 Oct 2007 by Time
irc.corbe.net links to ircsource
irc.corbe.net, located in San Diego, has just joined the IRCsource network. The administrator of the server is hohum and it is open to all.

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